Friday, 18 February 2011

What now? Ending 8

All the people started to get confused and crazy and when they were about to hit me and the Scotsman the third gadget started to bleep.

Everybody went to the third gadget, and we all thought that the three gadgets had something in common, so we linked together the three parts. Suddenly, a holographic image appeared from the device.

The men who appeared from the holographic image told all of us that we were actually guinea-pigs of a behavior experiment. The men also told us that we also have a chip implemented under our skin. We were being wwatched and controlled from a satellite.

The men also told us that this story was aimed at studying us. We needed to get to a safe place and we also had to be organized to get there. On the way, theree would be some clues and some food and drink.
By the time we got into the safe place we took a flight to our home


Rachel said...

Here is my vote. It´s the funnier one. But I have to say that each one is fabulous, congratulation to everyone who had participated, especially for the vocabulary, It was a hard well done work.

Rachel said...

Sorry, I made a mistake, may vote was for ending 6, and I didn´t see the right votes column. I´ll vote there too.